Jetzt anmelden zu Daniel Kishs Web-Seminar „Freedom first“ für Eltern, Profis und Erzieher

Why Wait? A „freedom first“ approach to fostering self-determination in babies and young children with blindness visual impairment

Using an adaptation model of blindness based on brain plasticity, this webinar will explore the fundamental principles of self-determined freedom of movement and achievement. Practical strategies that foster natural development of brain processes will be shared. Specific focus will be given to perception-based cane training, a self-determined model of engagement and managing guides and supports, and audition/FlashSonar.

You are invited to the Zoom webinar.

When: Oct 29, 2020 – 16:30 German Time

Instructor: Daniel Kish
Instructor’s Title: President and Lead Instructor
Instructor’s Affiliation: World Access for the Blind

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Lesson Plan Goal:
Participants will understand the developmental impact of perceptually directed mobility and how to foster it, including: taction and early cane training; self-determined engagement and management of guides and supports; and FlashSonar development.

Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will learn at least three perception-based principles that support activation of brain mechanisms, which foster self-determined freedom and achievement in young children and across the lifespan.
2. Participants will learn at least three concrete strategies for fostering development of the four major brain processes – perceiving, acting, thinking, and socializing.

There is a list of video materials to review before the first and second parts, but most of you already know or have seen the material. Still, some of it may be a nice refresher.

Pre-requisite knowledge:

Catalyst Australia, Apr 12, 2016: The blind man leading the blind to see

Toddler Echolocation:

Toddler Perception Cane:

Basic Activities:

Take Charge:

Feature and Scene Analysis:

Distance Perception

For those who cannot make it to either or both parts of this presentation, it will be uploaded to the APH Youtube Channel at:

For your convenience, the presentation I gave in June is here:

APH’s new Learning Management System will allow people to log on, and instructors may receive professional development credits. It has launched and is called the APH Hive. Courses are slowly being built and then embedded into the APH Hive.

They tell me it will take some time for this two part series to get formulated into a course. Realistically, I’m told that this content might be ready as a course in the APH Hive come the January 2021 timeframe.

Here’s a link to the site:

Enjoy, and thanks.

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